
Major League Baseball : News : Major League Baseball News

Major League Baseball : News : Major League Baseball News

So here we go--five games to decide, well not really to decide, more to help decide who will win the A.L.East. After all, it is only August.

Yet this certainly feels like a wild card series, five games--one trip through the rotation. And the Red Sox are boasting a (slightly) improved rotation with the recent performances of David Wells. Now if they can just find a fifth starter... perhaps under a rock... perhaps a friendly old knuckleballer?

I couldn't find any news on Wake this morning (although I didn't look very hard), but the Sox rotation will be put to the test this weekend--two double headers in three days will mean that someone ends up pitiching on short rest (even with yesterday's off day). It probably means that Wells will have to pitch game 5 Sunday on three days rest. That should truly test his health.

I don't know if I'm optimistic or pessimistic regarding this weekend--I guess I'm smack dab in the middle. Since Tek went down, I've been one three game losing streak away from throwing baseball out the window and focusing on football. A good series this weekend could change all that. A bad weekend and, well, Monday's post will be less than friendly. Living in Indiana, its tough for me to get a consistent bead on this team--I rarely get to watch games. This weekend most of the games will be televised (starting this afternoon, but I have faculty meetings and other such nonsense to attend!), I look forward to watching the action.


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